I’m so glad I have 3 kids in my life. I love the age they are at right now. 

Sometimes, I have refused to plan birthday party for them-How can it is they are growing so fast? 

I mean……too fast. {Wiping my tear….}

當媽媽的都這樣嗎? 希望孩子健康平安快樂地長大 , 卻又期望他們永遠不長大?

Big brother Lucas is 5Y 11M Old.  

Big sister Evelyn is 3Y 10M Old.  

Little baby  Lance is 9M 2W Old.  

I love that when you wake up in the morning, the first thing I hear is your little voice calling,

 "Mommy? Mom? Mom! MOM!" over and over until I get you out of bed.

每一天當我醒來, 聽到他們媽咪 媽咪...此起彼落地響起. 那是一天中最美好的開始....


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