目前分類:我的婚姻生活 (39)
- Dec 27 Sat 2014 20:01
It is the ending and beginning of the year - Dec,2014
- Dec 27 Sat 2014 19:48
The greeting card - Dec, 2014
Dear friends and family,
If you receive a special Christmas & a New Year greeting card from us, we will give you a gift called" Love". We wish you in this season to remain healthy, happy and joyful.
We miss you.
- Dec 27 Sat 2014 19:15
We heard the bells on Christmas Day - Dec, 2014
We heard the bells on Christmas Day. We will know the Santa has arrive!
那天晚上在南加州的夜晚,我滴下兩行熱淚宣示我想留在美國的意願,然後失望對著我先生說:離開這,是我美國夢碎的開始!先生摸摸我的頭說:我們會再回來這 裡的, sooner or later!我像個被經催眠安撫的小女孩,搬著150多箱的家當遠渡重洋回到台灣,那天是西元2013年3月8日!
- Nov 15 Sat 2014 16:47
Family is a team- Nov,2014
- Nov 02 Sun 2014 14:06
Happy Chinese Moon Festival -Sep,2014
- Aug 10 Sun 2014 12:46
Best Father's Day gift- August, 2014
Best Father's Day gift ever for our lovely daddy.
Lucas said:
"My dad is very handsome and strong. He can carry heavy things and he’s the smartest person I know. I think he’s a lot of fun and he makes me laugh. My dad tells the best bedtime story in the world, his stories are more interesting than any other stories in the books. I think he should be an author of storybook. One of my favorite things to do with my dad is eat breakfast together at Danny's in California. I also like playing in the pool with him. At home, we play Legos together. When I grow up I want to built a hotel with my dad, and he promised me that I can be the boss of the kids playroom in the hotel. For Father’s Day, I will make him a big card and maybe we’ll go out to eat. If I could buy him anything, I’d buy him a BIG house!""
試想一個七歲孩子是這樣説他的爸爸的:「我的爸爸很帥、很壯、很聰明、他説的床邊故事比任何故事書的作者還要精彩。我最愛和我的爸爸一起在美國加州的Denny's 享用早餐。我要建一棟大房子和最棒的旅館送給我的爸爸,等我長大時,ㄡ!對了,爸爸答應過我,我到時就是那管理遊戲室的大老闆了。」
- Aug 10 Sun 2014 12:44
Home - August, 2014
- Jun 12 Thu 2014 09:24
近十年來美國哈佛大學最夯的一門課是研究關於[幸福]的課,它告訴和討論[快樂,不再遙不可及] 、幸福快樂有40%取決於我們的選擇,環境不會盡如人意,但看世界的態度卻能隨心所欲,許多學生向學校反應,這門課「改變了他們的一生」。
- Oct 24 Thu 2013 09:05
on the way to play 牽手散步的爸爸孩子們
有些畫面常常出現, 並不見得有何獨到之處;
有些人你每天看, 就摸不著最細微的美;
有些東西每天都長大一些些, 速度驚人且不著痕跡;
那三雙小小的手, 其實大的和它們原本剛剛來的那個時候, 已經不能夠同日而喻了.
這一天我們正要和我們的三隻小星星散步去, 爸爸的一雙大手和孩子的三雙小手彼此間你牽著我、我牽著你,
有一天孩子長大了, 他們一定很懷念爸爸大手的溫度;
- Oct 24 Thu 2013 08:36
At the zoo 叢林之夜
- Oct 08 Tue 2013 13:20
寫生活. Mark the life we have
照片不能抓住時間的腳步 , 但給了我們一個再好不過的方式 -- "留住現在" .
我特別喜歡被拍照 , 自從有了孩子後 , 特別喜歡幫別人拍 , 然後我開始專研別人照片裡的精髓 , 無師地領悟出一些好玩的事 .
當然也有了一些收穫 , 最顯而易見的轉變就是 : 我的 2 個比較大的孩子 , 愛上了鏡頭前的感覺 .
老公的這句話很有意思 , 『他們有 Camera High !!』 .
的確, 他們不僅喜歡被拍、也喜歡拍人、現在進一步專業到喜歡選拍照的場景...... 一切始料未及 .
- Oct 02 Wed 2013 12:16
The moment, touching. 那瞬間 令人感動
- Jun 07 Fri 2013 15:41
It is the best part of the day
Who said the 2.2 years and 3.1years old apart siblings don't get along well?
Sometimes it works…
It is the best part of the day = working together.
On today's menu = The magic 3 little kids ⋯⋯
- Apr 29 Mon 2013 00:22
they are growing up too fast 生命無所不能
They are not growing up so fast; they are growing up too fast.
Each day we make all kinds of different memories together.
Yes, having 3 babies is surely the most beautifully things in my life.
- Feb 10 Sun 2013 05:38
Happy Lunar Chinese New Year 2013
Dear families and friends,
It’s time to welcome the fresh "Lunar Chinese New Year".
New Year also brings the happiness and prosperity in life.
Life comes only one time, so live life to enjoy every moment.
May your all dreams come true.
- Oct 31 Wed 2012 03:29
Wiping my tear….
I’m so glad I have 3 kids in my life. I love the age they are at right now. ↑
Sometimes, I have refused to plan birthday party for them-How can it is they are growing so fast?
I mean……too fast. {Wiping my tear….}
當媽媽的都這樣嗎? 希望孩子健康平安快樂地長大 , 卻又期望他們永遠不長大?
- Aug 08 Wed 2012 14:41
Happy father's day_2012
The greatest gifts we ever had from God are our babies, and my babies are the luckiest person in the world because
they have got such a great and loving father.
Dad, you are my hero. Happy Papa’s Day~
- Mar 07 Wed 2012 08:36
Triple duty = Crazy busy(瘋狂忙碌著)
(they are in age of 5Y, 3Y and just born).
Nursing, diaper, cooking, school…..etc.
Finally, everything is settled down and it’s time to
give our child more freedom without worrying…..
- Jan 01 Sun 2012 13:15
舞媚 2012
Dear families and friends,
As we joyfully welcoming a new baby to our family, We wish you a holiday filled with love
and a New Year rich with blessings. When I look forward and back at my life, there’s a lot
to be excited about in 2012. I feel it’ll be a great year in 2012.
- Oct 28 Fri 2011 16:17
當父親. 可以很快樂 (二)