目前分類:1. Lance 的 0-1歲 (8)

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Hide-and-seek!! I found you

There's no one place like mama's shoulder baby can play his first 1st hide-and-seek.

媽媽的肩膀 長了翅膀

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Are you looking at me? Yes, I’m watching you.

Still don’t know how to say “NO” to this 6M3W Old cute baby boy ….

這麼可愛的小臉蛋, 如何對他說 ”不” 呢??

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   Baby Lance now is 5M1W old

Baby Lance now is 5M1W old.

He knows the precise meaning of the words we use and he picks up our emotions.

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Hi Cutie~ I know ....You must have something you want to say...you want to share.
We love to talk to baby Lance and baby Lance loves to talk to us.
He being interested in expressing his ideas and feelings.
It looks like we can totally understand everything baby Lance "says".

Talking baby Lance now is 3 Month 3 Weeks old.

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Can you believe baby Lance is already 2 Month old?Lance is growing stronger every day.

I’m one of the lucky moms. Lance is sleeping through the night about 4-8 hours. 
Baby Lance go through 1000 CC breast milk one day. 

Breast-feeding, which helps mommy burn a lots calories. 

Mommy got her size "2" body back 6 weeks after Lance’s arrival.

sunnymelody100 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

Having small baby boy Lance is the ultimate joy.
He always surprise you with new things.
Now, Lance is 6 weeks old and weighed more than 12bs.

Daddy Fill the house with the sounds of music for Lance.  

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Some important things I learn since the day I become a mommy...........

女人, 應該懂得珍惜這萬般的剎那間

sunnymelody100 發表在 痞客邦 留言(5) 人氣()

I have given birth a healthy baby boy, Lance. Who was delivered on January 13 2012
at Hoag Hospital in Newport Beach, South California and weighed in at 7bs, 10 oz.

Lance's big brother, Lucas & big sister, Evelyn are excited to welcome their baby brother
to the family.

Finally, the first photos of Lance. 

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