Baby Lance now is 5M1W old

Baby Lance now is 5M1W old.

He knows the precise meaning of the words we use and he picks up our emotions.

When the sound happy, he reacts joyfully. If the sound sharply, he may cry and become distressed.

Baby Lance enjoys hearing a variety of sounds. He is laughs, giggles and smiles all the time.

What a happy baby boy.

   Baby Lance 表情十足....

我猜想…當你看到 Lance 寶寶胖胖嫩嫩的小臉蛋一定會忍不住笑開臉來.

命的起源和延續就是這麼有趣 ,

有時他會出現媽媽的眼神 ,一會兒又有爸爸的神情從臉眸滑過.

5 M1W 大的他,十足男子氣慨卻又乖巧溫順......



  California baby.

A very chubby baby boy.

Still chubby

Lance is a mini-daddy.

Smiling all the time.

Lance 是個十分乖巧溫順的小嬰兒

  We are loving Lance's big big big smile....


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