It is baby&mommy's little yellow duck play time.
Lance 和媽咪也有這樣的黃色小鴨鴨玩耍時候......
Everybody loves the The Duck Song:
"A duck walked up to a lemonade stand and he said to the man running the stand
Hey! Got any GRAPES?
The man said no we just sell lemonade. But it’s cold and it's fresh and it’s all homemade.
Can I get you a glass? The duck said "I’ll pass".
Then he waddled away (Waddle Waddle). 'Til the very next day.
When the duck walked up to the lemonade stand
And he said to the Man running the stand
Hey! Got any GRAPES?
The man said no, like I said yesterday, we just sell lemonade, OK? "