
This was the best/ the most interesting day of our life this week.

This year we didn’t head to the costume store and spend big bucks on any duplicate costume, we look through our kids' craft boxes, closets, and recycle box for inspiration and about US$ 20 on all materials.

Check out the creative costumes these kids and mommy made! They were butterfly girl for Evelyn, little tree house boy for Lucas and little panda baby Lance.



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有些畫面常常出現, 並不見得有何獨到之處;

有些人你每天看, 就摸不著最細微的美;

有些東西每天都長大一些些, 速度驚人且不著痕跡;

那三雙小小的手, 其實大的和它們原本剛剛來的那個時候, 已經不能夠同日而喻了.

這一天我們正要和我們的三隻小星星散步去, 爸爸的一雙大手和孩子的三雙小手彼此間你牽著我我牽著你,

有一天孩子長大了, 他們一定很懷念爸爸大手的溫度;

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The best teaching materials for kids is the natural world .





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Feeling like we are between human and animals tonight.






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This is Autumn breeze street baby fashion.


有點陽光 暖暖地
有點微風 輕輕地

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It is baby&mommy's little yellow duck play time.

Lance 和媽咪也有這樣的黃色小鴨鴨玩耍時候......


Everybody loves the The Duck Song:
"A duck walked up to a lemonade stand and he said to the man running the stand
Hey! Got any GRAPES?

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What a happy thing to see they love and help each other.

4 隻小手忙個不停,媽媽在公園的一個小角落,偷偷地拍下這個畫面。





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照片不能抓住時間的腳步 , 但給了我們一個再好不過的方式 -- "留住現在" .


我特別喜歡被拍照 , 自從有了孩子後 ,  特別喜歡幫別人拍 , 然後我開始專研別人照片裡的精髓 , 無師地領悟出一些好玩的事 .

當然也有了一些收穫 , 最顯而易見的轉變就是 : 我的 2 個比較大的孩子 , 愛上了鏡頭前的感覺 . 

老公的這句話很有意思 , 『他們有 Camera High !!』 .  

的確, 他們不僅喜歡被拍、也喜歡拍人、現在進一步專業到喜歡選拍照的場景...... 一切始料未及  .

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The moment, touching.
Especially, if you are a mom.

那瞬間, 令人感動





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Another good day! Kids having fun with bubble.






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My gorgeous family members do the same thing at the same time in this heavy raining day.

結婚前 ,我曾經是個記者時, 每當天災人禍來臨 , 總得顧守崗位臨危不亂整夜守候在廣播室前 , 那播音室的 “ on air 亮燈 “ , 陪伴我整整超過十個年頭 , 那時總羨慕著別人可以在颱風來臨時 , 嗑著瓜子 翹著二郎腿享受著屬於風和雨的寧靜時刻

今天外頭的風不算大,  雨卻又急又猛 , 看著先生和孩子各自做著他們喜歡的事 , 當時的總總卻閃過腦海

對了附帶一提 , 當年我遞出辭呈告訴我的長官 , 我決定結婚移民到美國了, 譁然聲一片四起…..大家都說我頭殼壞了 ,  因為我放棄了坐上主播台的機會, 對許多人而言那簡直是天上掉下來的禮物

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Give someone you love a big hug unforgettable moment!

小時候 , 被抱是件理所當然的事 ;
長大了 ,被抱才知道那是幸福的事 ;

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Are they the Next pizza-making Iron Chef?

Lucas and Evelyn went to pizza-making class goes hand in hand.

They had so much fun making two different pizzas.

The girl and the boy made two pizzas of their choice, using all the fresh ingredients and amazing cheeses available from Chef’s kitchen.

And the best part comes next; of course, daddy and mommy almost eat the pizza they've created.

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Three is more gorgeous than the one...

只要有一個人 一會兒工夫不見了

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Our little gentleman is dancing with his mommy at the beach; this is cuter than anything under the sun.

小小男孩正舞出他人生中的第一 步舞曲; 名為 華爾滋” .

那天我們在峇里島的Nusa Dua Beach海灘旁

15個月大的 Lance 寶寶


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My kids really do enjoy cooking; mommy is looking for cooking classes for them this summer vacation.


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I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons.

It all exists, even if it's in your mind.

Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now?

----- John Lennon

有時我的孩子半夜突然嚎啕大哭, 我會知道, 他們正被夢中的情境牽引, 雖然不是真的, 但對孩子而言, 就是活生生的.

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Friday's here, wishing you all a festive weekend!
And, I have an awesome smile that I can't wait to share....

多雨的季節 , 意味著更多春天的花在雨後即將隨之舞動開起

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  • Jun 14 Fri 2013 00:20
  • 轉身

It is the view of my babies’ back that is most unforgettable to me.

Kids always have a way with kids.

They may speak a language of their own. They “talks” and “talk back”.

As a mom of 3, the moment I will miss the most while they grow up.


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Who said the 2.2 years and 3.1years old apart siblings don't get along well?

Sometimes it works…

It is the best part of the day = working together.

On today's menu = The magic 3 little kids ⋯⋯


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Mother's Day is a day to celebrate motherhood. Motherhood is whole life duty for a woman.

Mom is the person at the end she will always be there for you.

Lucas: This beautiful girl is my mom.

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They are not growing up so fast; they are growing up too fast.

Each day we make all kinds of different memories together.   

Yes, having 3 babies is surely the most beautifully things in my life.

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Dear families and friends,

It’s time to welcome the fresh "Lunar Chinese New Year".

New Year also brings the happiness and prosperity in life.

Life comes only one time, so live life to enjoy every moment.

May your all dreams come true.


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They are brothers.

He is Lucas(Right), he is Lance(left).

They are 5 years apart, they love each other.

They like to play together, except Lucas’s pirate toys and Lego.

I appreciate both my sons, although they are different from each other, Lucas is

Outgoing and Lance is high EQ.

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Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

As a wife and mom I know Thanksgiving dinners take more than eight hours to prepare.

Thank you Auntie Susan and Uncle Norman (Cousin Vincent & Randy) Your family makes

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Happy belated Halloween! I can’t believe it is already November 8th!

My cutie Mr. Spider, pretty Cinderella and handsome Captain Hook are huge fan of trick or treating.

They went door-to-door, when people tried to give them candy; they tried to told them” never enough”. 

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I’m so glad I have 3 kids in my life. I love the age they are at right now. 

Sometimes, I have refused to plan birthday party for them-How can it is they are growing so fast? 

I mean……too fast. {Wiping my tear….}

當媽媽的都這樣嗎? 希望孩子健康平安快樂地長大 , 卻又期望他們永遠不長大?

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Dad said:

I vividly remember the first day my little girl went back to school (when she was 3Y2M old).

Today, Daddy went hand in hand with her to school. Upon entering the classroom the little

girl sent a happy face to daddy and quickly joins the group; daddy knows that she is no

longer the little girl only a few months ago who was holding on daddy’s leg with her dear

life and wouldn’t let go. 

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My older son (Lucas) made crowns for all our family members and he said: These are absolutely

perfect to celebrate mommy’s birthday. How blessing it is to have a sweet family like this.

And thank you so much to all my friends and families’ birthday wishes. I had such a wonderful day

on my birthday!!

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